Contents of Database
The author's page
Database of the Roman Purbeck limestone industry
© Copyright John Palmer.
This is work in progress, more about it here.
Please use this link
to send me comments and suggestions.
Subdivisions of the database --
Conventions --
Possible attributes for each item --
Each item usually describes an artefact or a group of artefacts from
a single site. Some that give summary information about many artefacts
are placed in the section Reviews.
In distribution-maps, filled triangles show findspots of
Purbeck Marble objects,
open triangles other Purbeck Limestone,
open diamonds Broken Shell Limestone
(where distinguished from other PL),
question-marks doubtful objects. Coastal outlines
are from NOAA.
The public version of this database
is a copy of a fuller version which I keep for my own use.
For publication, I have to omit
(a) some pictures, for reasons of copyright or of mere size,
(b) some personal data about individuals who have been very helpful to me,
(c) some sensitive information about particular archaeological sites.
If a link in the public database doesn't work
(gives "error 404: page not available"),
this is likely to be because it refers to something of this sort.
If anyone feels their copyright has been infringed by my use of any
illustration, will they please write to me
and the picture will be withdrawn or appropriate acknowledgments posted.
Illustrations, other than those in the text, will be displayed
by most browsers in a separate window. So will
ancient texts,
some plans or maps, and the guide to my
system of
measuring stone mortars.
- name Unique name for this item
- number Serial no. in this catalogue; so far only used in
Roofing section
- cat Category; "mortarium", "veneer", etc, also
"review"; used inconsistently
- site Provenance; placename(s), where found; date of finding
where known
- grid National Grid coordinates of site (outside GB, follow
local practice)
- source source of first (often incomplete) information
- publ Publication details,
reference to Bibliography
- desc General description
- meas Measurements;
so far only used for Mortars;
the system of measurement can be read
- loc Last known location of artefact;
museum, catalogue-number, location in museum.
Special considerations
apply to reserve collections in All Saints' Church.
After major rebuilding works which were much delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, Dorset Museum (formerly Dorset County Museum) reopened to the public at the end of May 2021.
Much of the collection is moving to new locations in the Museum,
and it will take a long time to record all these movements in this database;
please have patience.
- subst Substance, e.g: limestone, Purbeck limestone (PL),
Purbeck marble (PM)
- date of artefact
- interp Interpretation
- comment Comment
- cont Person to contact
- All Saints a redundant church housing the archaeological reserve collection of DORCM
- AP aerial photograph
- BAR British Archaeological Reports
- BBCS Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies
- BGS British Geological Survey
- BIAB British and Irish
Archaeological Bibliography
- BSL Broken Shell Limestone (see the
Geological detail section)
- BVC Brading Villa Collection (Isle of Wight)
- C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 (in attribute date) 1st to 5th centuries AD, respectively
- CDAS Chichester and District Archaeology Society
- CIL Corpus Inscriptionum
Latinarum, 1863--, of which vol.vii is Inscriptiones
Britanniae Latinae, ed. Aemilius Hübner, Berlin 1873
- CSIR Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani, Corpus of sculpture of the Roman world
- cx Context number; often written in a circle on finds labels
- DCM Dorset County Museum, High West Street, Dorchester
- DGAG Dorset Geologists' Association Group
- DORCM same as DCM
- Dorset Museum same as DCM
- EE Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1872-1913
- Frag Fragment
- HAT Highest astronomical tide (attained every 19 years)
- HER Historic Environment Record, new name for Sites and Monuments Record
- IWCAC Isle of Wight County Archaeological Collection
- JP The author
- JRS Journal of Roman Studies
- KS Kimmeridge Shale
- LAARC London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre
- MHWS Mean high water of spring tides
- MoL Museum of London; MOL minimum occupation level (near tidal water)
- MOLA Museum of London Archaeology, newer name for MoLAS
- MoLAS Museum of London Archaeology Service, older name for MOLA
- NMR National Monuments Record (English Heritage, Swindon)
- NMS National Museums of Scotland
- NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United
- NOI No other information
- ns not (yet) seen (by JP); NS new series
- NT National Trust
- OD Ordnance (Survey) datum
- PDNHAFC former title for PDNHAS, see
Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society.
Volumes 1-49 (1877-1928) were entitled
Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club.
- PHFCAS Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and
Archaeological Society. Alternative title Hampshire Studies.
- PL Purbeck Limestone
- PM Purbeck Marble
- PS Portland Stone
- RAMM Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter
- RB Roman Britain, Romano-British
- RIB Roman Inscriptions in
- rm room (in buildings)
- RRSAL Research Reports of the Society of
Antiquaries of London
- sc followed by a fraction: Scale of a drawing,
as stated.
- scb Scalebar, a visual scale forming part of a drawing.
- SF, sf Special (or Small) find number; often written in a triangle on finds labels
- SMR Sites and Monuments Record
- Soc Antiqs Res Rep same as RRSAL, but deprecated.
- TAQ Terminus ante quem, the latest possible date for
an event or artefact
- TBGAS Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester
Archaeological Society
- TPQ Terminus post quem, the earliest possible date for
an event or artefact
- WAM Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Magazine.
From vol. 70 (1978) to vol. 75 (1981),
entitled Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine.
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