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Items that are most likely not of Purbeck origin at all, or not
Roman, but should be checked.
© Copyright John Palmer.
This is work in progress, last updated 2016-12-13.
Please use this link
to send me comments and suggestions.
Tesselated paving Dubia are now listed in the
Paving section,
marked `cat DOUBTFUL'. Similar action has been taken for
Roofing and
Structural items.
- name Southover submerged pavement
- site Southover near Frampton, in river bed, c.2002
- grid SY 618 951 approx
- source Stephen Jackman
in Dorset Geol. Assn. Newsletter August 2004
- publ History of Frampton village
2nd ed., p.21
- desc Newsletter:
paved path some 2 metres wide and edged with wooden poles running
along the riverbed; of Purbeck stone and could be Roman. About 15m
of paving is exposed. At end is a section of bank which shows possible
cropmarks of a building or excavation
- desc Frampton History: exposed on reconstruction of footbridges on
the footpath between Southover and Crockway. On bed of one of the
leats. Runs along the stream, not across; inferred that it is older
than the present course of the water. Perhaps associated with
Frampton Priory.
- subst said to be PL
- date medieval probably
- comment close to Frampton
mosaic site
- cont Doreen Smith
- name Knitson Farm "anchor stone"
- site Found built into the wall of a barn at the farm,
barn built c.1800
- grid SZ 005 807
- source Mark Helfer, pers. comm. 2004-06-28
- desc Block of limestone, approx. hexagon about 35cm diam. and 15cm thick.
Central hole, which has irregular extension on one side. Black stain the
other side. Might have been used some time for anchoring a boat.
Photos (by JP):
Flat side,
Recessed side.
- loc Knitson Farm, Langton Matravers, loose on patio
- subst Limestone, probably PL
- date if this is an upper quern,
then thickness suggests pre-Roman Iron Age
- interp Rodney Alcock
suggested upper rotary quernstone, the irregular extension to the hole
being the socket for a side-mounted handle.
- comment See Chapmans
Pool anchor and Lulworth
- cont Mark Helfer
- name Shapwick PL fragments
- site Shapwick, Dorset, 1993
- grid ST 9370 0170
- source Papworth M 1993 p.150
- desc Trench B ... a fragmentary layer of dark brown loamy clay with frags
of brick and clay tile and Purbeck Limestone ...
- loc Kingston Lacy
- subst PL
- date almost certainly mediaeval
- name Southampton Museum pestle
- site Unknown
- source Southampton Museum
of Archaeology database 2003-01-20
- desc Marble finger pestle. Feathered decoration for the knuckles.
21 by 15 by 58mm
- loc Southampton Museum of Archaeology, A.2002.3
- subst Marble (unspecified)
- date Soton Mus: Roman; apparently on stylistic evidence only
- name Folkestone opus sectile
- site Folkestone, Kent
- source Scott KE34
- publ Winbolt, S. E. (1925) Roman Folkestone, p. 109
- publ VCH Kent, 3 (1932), p. 93.
- publ Clarke G 1982 p.211
- desc Opus sectile in the form of fragments
of marble slabs and triangular pieces
- name Gayton Thorpe veneer
- site Gayton Thorpe, Norfolk
- source Scott NF62
- publ Norfolk Archaeology, 23 (1928--9), p. 166--209.
- publ East Anglian Archaeology, 5 (1977), p. 235--6.
- publ Gregory T 1982 p.362,364
- publ Miles D 1982, p. 362,364
- desc `findings include... marble veneer'
- name Weeting veneer
- site Weeting, Norfolk
- source Scott NF193
- publ Gregory T 1982 p.371
- publ Miles D 1982 p.362,364
- desc fragments of marble veneer
- name Ashtead marble fragments
- site Ashtead, Surrey
- grid TQ 17 60
- source Scott, SY3.
- source
Rivet 1969, bibl. of villas
- publ Clarke G 1982 p.211
- publ - 1915, Surrey Arch Coll 28
- publ - 1916, Surrey Arch Coll 29
- publ - 1929, Surrey Arch Coll 37 144-163
missing from DCM 2001-03
- publ - 1930, Surrey Arch Coll 38 1-17, 132-148
missing from DCM 2001-03
- desc Scott's
appendix on marble
mentions marble here, but not her main list
- loc Guildford Museum
- name Wonston milestone
- site Wonston, Hants, Worthy Down
- grid SU 459 358
- source RB in 1984, Britannia 16 (1985) p.324
- desc Inscribed milestone of `Jurassic limestone'
0.23 x 0.31 x 0.39m high,
found during excavations (King Alfred's College)
overlying the fill of a late 4th cent. ditch.
Stone was orig. rectangular and subsequently recut for use as a pillar base...
The recutting has erased the upper line of the inscr which now reads
...]E AVG *|*RP*B*P `Pio] F]e(lice) AUG(usto), r(es)p(ublica) B(elgarum)
- cont
Ms A. M. Robinson,
A. M. French (KAC)
- name Chichester Chapel Street inscription
- site Chichester, Central Girls' School, Chapel St
- grid SU 861 048
- source RB in 1975, Britannia 7 (1976)
- publ Britannia 1 (1970) p.302
- desc Part of a limestone inscr 0.18 x 0.1 x 0.06m cut down
and reused upside-down as paving. Found unstratified 1969 in excav.
S of Girls' School. ...]D?EF?G?[...|...]O?1?[...
- name Chichester Museum stone
- site Chichester
- grid SU 86 04
- source Pritchard FA 1986
- desc Unpublished British stone; article doesn't
say whether PM or PL or something else
- loc Chichester District Museum, find E 153 232
- name Bishopsgate inscription
- site London, 7--11 Bishopsgate, EC3, about 1996
- source RB in 1998, Britannia 30 (1999) p.378
- desc Fragment of a marble slab inscription with good quality
letters, probably a tombstone, 0.145 x 0.095 x 0.038m thick, found
during excavation with misc. Roman material in an area disturbed by
quarry pits: [...] vacat MAR[..]|[...] vacat ET[...]
- cont Angela Wardle, MoLAS
- name Thruxton alien stone
- site Thruxton, Hants
- source Scott HA96
- publ Crawford OGS 1923, ONB, 32
- desc Alien stone
- name Winchester baluster
- site Winchester
- publ Cunliffe BW 1964
- desc Roman baluster of unspecified stone, comparable to
those from Colliton Park, PDNHAS 59 pl.7
- name Fordingbridge Celtic Head
- site `near Fordingbridge', `circa 1900'
- source seen at Rockbourne villa site
- desc Stone head in Celtic tradition: about 60cm high
- loc Rockbourne villa, displayed on site,
loaned by Mrs Lawton Clark
- subst limestone, yellowish, oolitic or possibly Purbeck
- comment probably not Roman: to be looked up in CSIR
- cont Jim Hunter, curator, Red House Museum, Christchurch
- name Charles Street possible Roman fragments
- site Charles Street, Dorchester (Acland St carpark) 1989-90
- grid SY 6935 9045
- source K Knowles pers.comm.
- publ Adam J 1990
- publ
Davies SM, Farwell D 1989
- desc Probable residual Roman items
(Strat-unit, context, count, description; ordered geologically)
76/01/02 2110 1 Broken Shell Limestone c25x160x120mm 656g [mediaeval context]
76/01/02 2237 1 Broken Shell Limestone c9x40x35mm 19g [mediaeval context]
86/02/01 2043 5 Broken Shell Limestone c40x35x10mm 75g [post-mediaev context]
unstrat 2382 1 Broken Shell Bed c30x20x7mms 6g
86/02/01 2043 1 Upper Building Stone c85x50x25mm 236g [post-mediaeval context]
76/01/01 2029 1 Lower Building Stone c75x70x10mm 90g [mediaeval context]
76/01/01 2061 1 Lower Building Stone c75x45x40mm 134g [mediaeval context]
unstrat 2146 1 Lower Building Stone c45x40x20mm 42g
- loc DCM, 1996.31 : archive boxes 501--611 and 615, finds bays 145--149
- subst KK: see Description above;
only items that are petrologically from Purbeck included
- date Mediaeval or later contexts, may be residual Roman
- comment These items are not specifically mentioned in the articles
cited above, but appear in a petrological report (1991) by K Knowles on
items from this dig
- comment see also roofing
and PM fragments,
and other fragments
(early Roman) and
(late Roman),
from the same excavation
- cont
Kathryn Knowles, U. Southampton
- name Winchester column base
- site Winchester
- source reported to
by Martin Biddle
- desc ``shelly limestone column base''
- name Ulwell cemetery
- cat REJECT
- site Shepherd's Farm, near Ulwell, 1949-1982
- grid SZ 0226 8092
- source Dorset SMR
- publ Farrar 1966 p.120-121
- publ RCHM Dorset SE pt.3 p.611
- publ Cox PW 1988
- publ Calkin 1968 p.29
- desc Inhumation burials, thought originally to be Roman, but Cox's excavation
showed 55 graves at least; majority simple earth graves, but some in stone
cists or kerbs; several secondary burials; only one burial with grave-goods;
radiocarbon evidence for use throughout 7th cent. AD.
Site now mostly destroyed.
- loc ? Material transferred from Christchurch Mus. to DCM, acc.2001.110
- date post-Roman
- comment Calkin refers to a Roman roofing tile being used (which of course
does not show that the graves themselves were Roman). Not stated
whether the tile was stone or ceramic.
- name Colchester counter
- site Colchester, Balkerne Lane, 1973-6
- grid TL 99 25
- source Crummy NC 1983 p.96, fig.101, no.2497
- desc Unstratified. ?Purbeck stone.
A counter with an edge ground smooth but still irregularly shaped.
Diam. 48.5mm, thickness 16.0mm
- subst Crummy: ?PL
- date unstratified
- name Dorchester Museum unexamined stone flags
- site unknown, presumably Dorset
- source pers. obs. in DCM reserve collection 2003-04-22
- desc Box of stone flags, not yet seen
- loc DCM reserve coll, bay 157 shelf F
- subst unknown
- date unknown
- name Dorchester Museum unexamined quern fragments
- site DCM code W310, presumably in Dorset
- source pers. obs. in DCM reserve collection 2003-04-22
- desc 4 quern fragments
- loc DCM reserve coll, bay 158 shelf B, site W310, find no. 3250
- subst unknown
- date unknown
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