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WOODWARD AS 1892: On some teeth of new chimaeroid fish from the Oxford and Kimmeridge Clays of England. Ann. Nat. Hist. s 6, 9, 94.
WOODWARD AS 1893: On the cranial osteology of the Mesozoic ganoid fishes, Lepidotus and Dapedius. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1893, 559-65. #
WOODWARD AS 1894: On a second British species of the Jurassic fish Eurycormus. Geol. Mag. 31, 214-6.
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WOODWARD AS 1906b: Myriacanthus paradoxus, from the Lower Lias at Lyme. Q.J. geol. Soc. Lond. 62, 1-4.
WOODWARD AS 1909: Note on a chelonian skull from the Purbeck Beds of Swanage. PDNH and AFC 30, 143-4.
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WOODWARD HB 1888a: Note on the Portland Sands of Swindon and elsewhere. Geol. Mag. 25, 469-70. #
WOODWARD HB 1888b: Notes on the Midford Sands. Geol. Mag. 25, 470. #
WOODWARD HB 1889: The geology of Lyme Regis: excursion of Geologists Assoc. April 1889. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 11, 1-24.
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WOODWARD J 1728: A catalogue of the English native fossils in the collection of J Woodward MD. London.
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WRIGHT CW 1947: Albian stage: Gault and Upper Greensand. In Arkell WJ, The geology of the country around Weymouth, Swanage, Corfe and Lulworth. Mem. geol. Surv. UK.
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WRIGHT CW and WRIGHT EV 1949: The Cretaceous ammonite genera Discohoplites Spath and Hyphoplites Spath. Q.J. geol. Soc. Lond. 104, 477-97. Discussion in Proc. geol. Soc. Lond. 1447.
WRIGHT CW and WRIGHT EV 1949a: The Cretaceous echinoid genera Infulaster Desor and Hagenowia Duncan. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12) 2, 454-74. #
WRIGHT CW and WRIGHT EV 1951: A survey of the fossil cephalopoda of the Chalk of Great Britain; primarily a nomenclatorial revision of Daniel Sharpe's Monograph (1853-57). Monogr. palaeontogr. Soc. Lond.
WRIGHT JK 1972: The stratigraphy of the Yorkshire Corallian. Proc. Yorkshire geol. Soc. 39, 225-66.
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WRIGHT JK 1985: A new exposure of the Corallian Beds in north Dorset. PDNH and AS 106, 168.
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WRIGHT P 1982: Aspects of the coastal dynamics of Poole and Christchurch Bays, Dorset. PhD Southampton.
WRIGHT T 1851: A stratigraphical account of the section of Hordwell, Beacon and Barton Cliffs, on the coast of Hampshire. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2), 7, 433-46.
WRIGHT T 1852: On the Cassidulidae of the Oolites, with descriptions of some new species of that family. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 9, 81-103, 206-14, 294-316.
WRIGHT T 1855: On a new genus of fossil Cidaridae with a synopsis of the species included therein. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 16, 94-100. and Proc. Cotteswold NFC 2, 121.
WRIGHT T 1857: On the palaeontological and stratigraphical relations of the so-called 'Sands of the Inferior Oolite'. Q.J. geol. Soc. Lond. 12, 292-325.
WRIGHT T 1857-80: British fossil Echinodermata of the Oolitic Formations. 2 vols. Monogr. palaeontogr. Soc. Lond.
WRIGHT T 1860: On the subdivisions of the Inferior Oolite in the south of England, compared with the equivalent beds of that formation on the Yorkshire coast. Q.J. geol. Soc. Lond. 16, 1-48.
WRIGHT T 1860a: On the zone of Avicula contorta, and the Lower Lias of the south of England. Q.J. geol. Soc. Lond. 16, 374-411.
WRIGHT T 1864: On the White Lias of Dorsetshire. Geol. Mag. 1, 290.
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WRIGHT T 1882: On a new species of brittle star from the Coral Rag of Weymouth. (Ophiurella nereida). Proc. Cotteswold NFC 7, 53.
WRIGHT T 1883: On a new species of Ophiurella. [Calciferous Grit, Sandsfoot Castle]. PDNH and AFC 4, 56-7.
WRIGHT T 1887: On a new Ophiurella from the Calciferous Grit, near Sandsfoot Castle, Weymouth, Dorset. Geol. Mag. 24, 97-8.
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