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Contents of volume 27 (1906)
(so the title-page: Sykes
says published January 1907)
Full text of this volume should be available
(Annual Review), v-lxxxviii
Anniversary address of the President, Nelson M. Richardson, lx-lxxxviii
Cross-Legged Effigies in Dorset, Sidney Heath, 1-23
Old Dorset Songs, Herbert Pentin, 24-43
The Rolls of the Court Baron of the Manor of Winterborne Waste, alias Monkton, W. Miles Barnes, 44-71
On some New and Rare British Arachnida, O. Pickard-Cambridge, 72-92
Church Bells of Dorset, J. J. Raven and W. Miles Barnes, 93-137
Returns of Rainfall, etc., in Dorset in 1905, H. Stilwell, 138-146
Worgret Hill and the Wareham Water Supply, W. H. Hudleston, 147-175
Ophiodes or Pseudophia Lunaris, G. E. J. Crallan, 176-160
On a New Chimaeroid Fin-spine from the Portland Stone, A. Smith Woodward, 181-182
On a Pycnodont Fish of the Genus Mesodon from the Portland Stone, A. Smith Woodward, 183-187
The Ringed Plover (Aegialitis hiaticola) (Mansel-Pleydell prize 1906), W. Parkinson Curtis, 188-213
Dorset Chantries, E. A. Fry, 214-233
The Ancient Memorial Brasses of Dorset, W. de C. Prideaux, 234-238
Roman Pavements, H. Colley March, 239-258
Report on the first appearances of birds, insects, etc. and first flowering of plants in Dorset during 1905, Nelson M. Richardson, 259-270
Some recent and forthcoming books, 271-272
Index, 273-275
General index to volumes 1-27, Harry Pouncy, 276-290
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