ANON 1802.08.20: Weymouth: rising of the tide due to distant earthquake about
14-15 inches, repeated three times in next hour. [Monday 09.08.1802] [Same
effect observed at Teignmouth on 10.08.1802, 2 feet rise and fall in 10
minutes.] Dorchester and Sherborne J. 38 (2058) 3.
ANON 1806.08.04: The rights of free marblers in Purbeck, discussed at
Dorchester Assizes, to go before Kings Bench at Michaelmas. Western Flying
Post 57 (3000) 4.
ANON 1809.06.23: Fossil turtle excavated at Swanage. Dorchester and Sherborne
J 3.
ANON 1812.10.00: [Bridport mammoth discovery] European Mag. 62, 288.
ANON 1812.11.09: [Petrifaction of crocodile dug out of cliffs between Lyme
Regis and Charmouth. 17 ft long, and in a very perfect state.] Western Flying
Post (Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury) 63 (3327) 4.
ANON 1812.11.13: [Complete fossil of a 'crocodile' found between Lyme Regis and
Charmouth at a level with the sea. 17 ft long.] Dorchester and Sherborne J.
48 (2582) 3.
ANON 1812.11.20: [Bridport mammoth find] Liverpool Mercury
ANON 1818: [Bridport mammoth discovery] Monthly Mag. 44, 486.
ANON 1821: [Organic remains.] New Monthly Mag. 3, 225.
ANON 1821a: [Curious skeletons found on the coast of Dorsetshire.] Monthly
Mag. 51, 553.
ANON 1821b: [Magnificent organised fossils.] New Monthly Mag. 3, 339.
ANON 1822.01.14: [Attention drawn to Nottington mineral spring, fine sulphurous
water.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 102 (4408) 4.
ANON 1822.03.04: [Mineral spring at Nottington. People coming to drink the
waters.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 102 (4415) 4.
ANON 1822.08.05: [Unique fossil 'of the lizard tribe' discovered at Lyme Regis
in Blue Lias by Mr. Anning.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 102 (4437) 2.
ANON 1822.08.26: [Description of Portland, on west two caverns, no termination
found.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 102 (4440) 3.
ANON 1823.01.13: [Ichthyosaurus from Lyme Regis presented to Bristol
Philosophical Inst. Found in Blue Lias] Salisbury and Winchester J. 103
(4457) 2.
ANON 1823.02.03: [Roads made of chalk broken up by frost, whereas roads with
Chalk under a layer of earth and stones remain intact.] Salisbury and Winchester
J. 103 (4460) 4.
ANON 1823.06.09: [Nottington mineral spring becoming more popular day by day
because of its good effects.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 103 (4477) 4.
ANON 1823.08.04: [Visitors to Nottington mineral spring still increasing, to
drink the water.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 103 (4485) 4.
ANON 1823.10.27: [Effects of the Nottington mineral springs. Mr. Thomas at the
library has testimonials to their effect.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 103
(4496) 4.
ANON 1823.12.22: [Fossil discovery near Lyme, looks like a turtle, 9 ft long, 4
ft wide, head 4 ins. long, found in Blue Lias.] Salisbury and Winchester J.
103 (4504) 2.
ANON 1824: [Organic remains.] New Monthly Mag. 12, 92-3.
ANON 1824.02.09: [Selling the fossil from Lyme to Duke of Buckingham for £110.
Found by Mary Anning in Blue Lias.] Salisbury and Winchester J 104 (4510) 2.
ANON 1824.02.16: [The fossil discovery announced at the Bristol Institution as
a perfect specimen of Plesiosaurus.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 104 (4511)
ANON 1824.04.30: [The great Cuvier. Frenchman's comments on fossil at Lyme
Regis.] Dorchester, Sherborne and Taunton J. 60 (3162) 4.
ANON 1824.08.02: [Ichthyosaurus found at Lyme (Tenuirostric) by Mary Anning,
compared with one sold to Duke of Buckingham.] Salisbury and Winchester J.
104 (4535) 2.
ANON 1824.12.10: [Collapse of a cliff opposite the two lighthouses at Portland
killing a man under hundreds of tons of stone and earth.] Dorchester,
Sherborne and Taunton J. 60 (3194) 4.
ANON 1824.12.13: [Fossil remains near Bridport seen after landslip.] Salisbury
and Winchester J. 104 (5394) 3.
ANON 1824.12.13a: [Poole Harbour.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 104 (5394) 4.
ANON 1824.12.27: [Fossil remains near Bridport said by Mr. Conybeare to be a
whale.] Salisbury and Winchester J. 104 (5396) 4.
ANON 1825.01.10: [Stone quarry at W Lulworth opened. Stone superior to that of
Lulworth.] Salisbury and Winchester J 105 (5398) 4.
ANON 1825.03.07: [Paper on Ichthyosaurus at Lyme by Prof. Buckland. He calls it
dolichodeirus.] Salisbury and Winchester J 105 (5406) 3.
ANON 1825.04.25: [Repairs to Weymouth Esplanade wall completed with several
thousand tons of clay, 5ft thick.] Salisbury and Winchester J 105 (5413) 4.
ANON 1825.06.13: [Virtues of Nottington Spa mineral waters.] Salisbury and
Winchester J 105 (5420) 4.
ANON 1825.08.29: [Bed of clay near Poole at Upton fit for china, found near
waters edge.] Salisbury and Winchester J 105 (5431) 4.
ANON 1828.01.07: [Benefit of drinking from Nottington spring for a scorbutic
complaint, and the burning cliff near Weymouth compared to a house on fire.]
Salisbury and Winchester J 108 (5554) 4.
ANON 1828.01.28: [Volumes of smoke from the burning cliff near esplanade.]
Salisbury and Winchester J 108 (5557) 4.
ANON 1828.02.11: [Road subsidence of 20ft between Lyme and Charmouth due to
heavy rain.] Salisbury and Winchester J 108 (5559) 3.
ANON 1828.03.03: [The burning cliff at Holworth Cliff near Weymouth, burning
for 12 months now, seems to be increasing in strength.] Salisbury and Winchester
J 108 (5562) 3.
ANON 1828.05.26: [The burning cliff now burning in 11 places.] Salisbury and
Winchester J 108 (5573) 4.
ANON 1828.06.02: [The burning cliff 'still very attractive'; and Portland
quarries - new railway for conveying stone to piers.] Salisbury and Winchester
J 108 (5574) 3.
ANON 1828.06.30: [Portland quarry railway, laid in 1826-27, 300 tons conveyed
in one week.] Salisbury and Winchester J 108 (5577) 3.
ANON 1828.06.30a: [Tourists come because of Nottington mineral spring,
mentioned in Benson's Weymouth Guide; and burning cliff still burning
sulphurous smoke.] Salisbury and Winchester J 108 (5577) 4.
ANON 1828.11.03: [The burning cliff at Holworth still going. Hot humid vapour,
nauseous smell, probably associated with effect of sea water on burning rocks.]
Salisbury and Winchester J 108 (5595) 3.
ANON 1828.12.01: [Another discovery by Mary Anning of Lyme. An unrivalled
specimen of Dapedium politum an antediluvian fish.] Salisbury and Winchester
J 108 (5599) 2.
ANON 1828.12.29: [Crown grant to raise Portland Stone renewed.] Salisbury and
Winchester J 108 (5603) 4.
ANON 1829: List of geological and mineralogical collections in Great Britain
and Ireland. Edinburgh Philos. J. 21, reproduced in GCG Newsltr. 2 (7),
421-2, 1980.
ANON 1829a: Petrified tree in the Isle of Portland. Q.J. Sci. Lit. Art. 435.
ANON 1829.01.12: [Waste stone in Portland sufficient for breakwater 20 miles
long. One proposed is 2.25 miles.] Salisbury and Winchester J 109 (5605) 4.
ANON 1829.02.02: [Landslide at the burning cliff at Holworth. Noxious fumes
continue.] Salisbury and Winchester J 109 (5608) 4.
ANON 1829.03.02: [Discovery by Mary Anning at Lyme of 11 ft long, perfect
specimen of Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus.] Salisbury and Winchester J 109
(5612) 3.
ANON 1829.05.04: [Plesiosaurus from Lyme purchased by British Museum.]
Salisbury and Winchester J 109 (5621) 2.
ANON 1829.08.24: [Accident at a quarry near Swanage. Stone fell on a man
crushing arm which had to be amputated.] Salisbury and Winchester J 109
(5637) 4.
ANON 1829.09.14: [Note on encroachments of the sea.] Salisbury and Winchester J
109 (5640) 2.
ANON 1829.11.23: [A piece of Portland hard coal in possession of a coal
merchant, weighing 15 cwt.] Salisbury and Winchester J 109 (5650) 2.
ANON 1829.12.28: [Mary Anning finds a new fossil specimen at Lyme Regis; and a
talk on the Iguanodon from Swanage.] Salisbury and Winchester J 109 (5655) 2.
ANON 1831: Petredendrology. Mechanics Mag. 14, 246.
ANON 1833: Fossil reptile. New Monthly Mag. 39 (3), 532.
ANON 1833.09.07: Note on saurians of Lyme Regis. Penny Mag. 347-9.
ANON 1839.08.03: 'the jaws and other fossil remains of an extinct species of
shark, discovered by Miss Anning in the cliffs of Lyme Regis, and [now] in the
cabinet of Edmund Higgins Esq.' Mining J 9 (209).
ANON 1847: see ANON 1947.03.13 and 1947.09.18a.
ANON 1848: see ANON 1948.09.23.
ANON 1855.02.15: [Mr. WR Brodie again successful in discovering more remains of
'pre-adamite' world. Discoveries brought before notice of Geological Society of
London. They consisted of large specimen of cuttle fish from Kimmeridge clay
and new reptile from Purbeck bed named Saurillus obtusus.] DCCh and Som. Gaz.
28, 524.
ANON 1856.08.21: Extracts from Murray, John A handbook for travellers in
Wiltshire, Dorsetshire and Somersetshire. London 1856. DCCh 3 (3), 53.
ANON 1856.11.20: [Lignite or fossil wood. Layers of this deposit often found in
clays of Tertiary formation in Purbeck. Pitmen at Corfe burnt it occasionally.
In the Lias formation it assumes the form of jet.] DCCh and Som. Gaz. 3 (16)
ANON 1856.12.25: Literary and Scientific Inst. Weymouth. [Lecture given by J
Coode on Chesil Beach.] DCCh and Som. Gaz. 3 (20) 405.
ANON 1857.04.30: Dorchester Museum. [Letter re formation of Museum and rich
geological finds in county] DCCh and Som. Gaz. 3 (39) 774.
ANON 1857.07.23: Dorset County Museum and Library. [An adjourned Council meeting
decided to engage the services of Mr. Bailey of Jermyn St. Museum, to arrange
and reduce collection of fossils, their value and importance being enhanced.]
DCCh and Som. Gaz. 3 (51) 1003.
ANON 1857.12.31: [A mammal jaw found at base of Middle Purbeck Beds. 14 mammals
found. Text of Kingsley C 1857] DCCh 4 (22) 425-6.
ANON 1858.08.12: Weymouth Museum. [Visited by Prof. Owen and Lord Enniskillen.]
DCCh 5 (2) 25.
ANON 1858.09.16: Weymouth Museum. [In geological dept. we observed head,
paddles and vertebrae of an Ichthyosaurus taken from cliff between Charmouth and
Bridport, in formation known as Upper Lias.] DCCh 5 (6), 123.
ANON 1858.12.02: [Review of and extracts from Brannon, Philip Swanage and the
Isle of Purbeck, with a clear digest of the geology and a minute description of
the coast from Bournemouth Bay to White Nore. London.] DCCh 5 350.
ANON 1858.12.02a: Purbeck geologic scenes. [Listed from Philip Brannon's
publications. Brannon P Illustrations of the Geologic Survey of Purbeck, in
descending order from east to west, or from the Tertiaries of Purbeck down to
the Finest [sic - ? Forest] Marble of Radipole, near Weymouth. Parts 1 and 2,
London and Poole.] DCCh 5 351.
ANON 1859: Landslip at the Isle of Portland. Geologist 2, 127.
ANON 1859.01.13: The landslip in the Island of Portland. [Sunday, 06.12.1858.
Outline of geology of strata.] DCCh 5 466.
ANON 1859.01.20: Landslip at Portland. DCCh 5 485.
ANON 1859.03.17: [For many months GE Beckers of London has been quarrying the
cliffs at Charton Bay nr. Lyme. Some fragments of gigantic quadruped in a bed
opened for fossil manure.] DCCh 5 646.
ANON 1859.05.12: The waterworks. [Report by Mr. Symonds] DCCh 5 804.
ANON 1859.06.09: The Lyme Rule Nisi. [Satire in Morning Chronicle 1st inst.
says the borough of Lyme Regis, in the county of Dorset, a distinguished place
in pre-adamite times, millions of years ago, we are assured on authority of the
Royal Geological Society.] DCCh 5 891.
ANON 1859.07.07: Langton Herring. [Fatal accident at quarry] DCCh 5 965.
ANON 1859.11.17: Maiden Castle. [Description, with possibility of well being
sunk on one side.] DCCh 6 313.
ANON 1859.11.17a: Lecture on geology by Rickman C to members of Institution at
Sturminster Newton. Diagrams and fossils illustrated address. DCCh 6 306.
ANON 1859.11.24: Stalactite cavern on Portland. [Discovered by workmen in
quarry.] DCCh 6 324.
ANON 1860.06.07: A saline spring. [Lately discovered at Lyme, Haye's hot and
cold sea baths possess extraordinary healing qualities.] DCCh 6 884.
ANON 1860.06.07a: The Great Exhibition, Dorchester. [Geology. One of most
interesting specimens is lower jaw of Pliosaurus discovered in Kimmeridge
clay formation on estate of John C Mansel.] DCCh 6 887.
ANON 1860.06.07b: The Great Exhibition, Dorchester. [Geology. Mr. Damon
exhibits bronzed cast of head of Ichthyosaurus Platodon one of the
Eualiosaurians, marine lizards, from Blue Lias at Lyme.] DCCh 6 887.
ANON 1860.06.07c: The Great Exhibition, Dorchester. [Geology. Mr. Damon also
exhibited Ichthyosaurus communis from the Lias, Lyme Regis.] DCCh 6 887.
ANON 1860.08.02: Weymouth Museum. [Reopened with geology of district
illustrated by Mr. Damon's rare fossils. Gigantic fish lizard and remains of huge
mammoth found near Weymouth.] DCCh 7 5.
ANON 1861.07.18: Discovery of gold on Portland. [Supposed gold was mica.
Geological interest to find such a large quantity (tons) of quartz and mica -
result of decomposed granite.] DCCh 7 1004.
ANON 1861.08.01: Lyme Regis and Charmouth. [Workmen invite visitors to buy a
tooth or vertebrae of Ichthyosaurus, fin spine of a fossil shark or fragment of
beautiful stone lily.] DCCh and Som. Gaz. 8 (1) 8.
ANON 1862.07.10: [Casts of footprints measuring up to 3.5 ft long discovered on
the Isle of Wight and Swanage have been reported to Geol.Soc. by Mr. Beckles,
whose name is permanently linked with Dr. Mantell in his discovery of reptilian
remains.] DCCh and Som. Gaz. 8 (50) 984.
ANON 1862.08.07: Weymouth Museum. [Damon's collection.] DCCh and Som. Gaz. 9
(22) 24.
ANON 1863.10.08: Report of earthquake a.m. Tuesday 6th October 1863,
Dorchester. DCCh 10 (11) 203, 211.
ANON 1863.10.29: Obituary of WB Brodie, d Sat. 24.10.1863, aged 83. DCCh and
Som. Gaz. 10 (14) 267.
ANON 1864: Discovery of a new species of Plesiosaurus. Geol. Mag. 1, 47.
ANON 1865.04.27: Poole Museum. [Museum sadly needs cleaning. Fossils, shells and
birds also curiosities thickly covered in dust.] DCCh and Som. Gaz. 2 (40)
ANON 1865.08.24: [Weymouth quay a disgrace,] 'the geological strata having been
moistened, and adhering to the boot with the tenacity of bird-lime.' DCCh
12 (5) 89.
ANON 1865.08.24a: [Gunpowder exploded suddenly at stone quarry in Stalbridge.
Caused by spark struck from the punch used in boring rock.] DCCh 12 (5) 90.
ANON 1865.10.05: [Accident at quarries at Uplyme. Lower beds of stone, used for
burning into lime, usually undermined. Upper portion of Blue and White Lias
first removed from top. Cracking caused accident.] DCCh 12 (5) 211.
ANON 1865.10.05a: [Well dug to supply Wareham with water. Reservoir near mills
on River Wandle. Owners suing as water was diverted from their own well.]
DCCh 12 (5) 208.
ANON 1865.10.19: [Problems in building Weymouth and Portland railway. Soil of
Marsh's weight sinks down through soft sand and mud for 15-20 ft. At Lansdowne
estate soil very hard, has to be blasted.] Description of strata found on
digging cutting. DCCh 12 (13) 259.
ANON 1865.11.16: [Mr. Mansel presented to British Museum palate and lower jaw of
Pliosaurus grandis from Kimmeridge.] DCCh 12 (17) 330.
ANON 1866.03.22: [Lime burner at Hilton made bankrupt.] DCCh 12 (35) 690.
ANON 1866.03.29: [Mr. Mansel presented various bits of Pliosaurus grandis
Owen to British Museum. Found in Kimmeridge Clay.] DCCh 12 (36) 718.
ANON 1866.04.12: [New church at East Holme - exterior walls built of red
sandstone quarried on the estate.] DCCh 12 (38) 749.
ANON 1866.06.28: ["Unusual occurrence" at Kingbarrow quarry, beyond the
Traveller's Rest. Immense cap stone - 29 ft x 18 ft, 390 tons.] DCCh 12
(49) 968.
ANON 1866.07.19: [Fatal accident at claypits at Goathorn nr Swanage.] DCCh
13 (52) 1029.
ANON 1866.09.20: [Earthquake felt 9.45 pm on Thursday night. Two distinct
shocks 5 minutes apart. Affected East Budleigh, Devon. Felt in neighbourhood of
Dorchester. 13th September.] DCCh 13 (9) 11.
ANON 1866.10.11: [A new beach is forming at Mudeford at a distance from the
present one, by the crumbling away of one of the rocks forming Mudeford Bay.
This new beach has already made the river seek a new outlet.] DCCh 13 (12)
ANON 1866.10.18: [Fossil leaves from clay pits at Wareham presented to
University Museum, Oxford. Collected by late Mr. Groves.] DCCh 13 (13) 5.
ANON 1866.11.01: [Poole: part of the open space of water and mud near the bridge
has been filled with 7000 tons of earth etc. brought as ballast from all over
Europe. Iron foundry, engineering firm of CJ Stone erected on it.] DCCh 13
(15) 6.
ANON 1866.11.01a: [Extract from Summers 'The physical characteristics of
Winterborne Houghton.' Fossils found there.] DCCh 13 (15) 13.
ANON 1866.11.29: [Landslip near Ridgeway tunnel on railway line. High enough to
reach telegraph lines. About 1000 tons.] DCCh 13 (19) 5.
ANON 1866.12.06: [Court case about the right of commoners to work stone in
certain Portland quarries. Rights existed for 200 years under old charters.]
DCCh 13 (20) 5-6.
ANON 1867.01.03: [Landslip on Edmondsham Down by side of turnpike road near 9
mile stone from Wimborne to Cranborne. Surface opened 14 x 16 ins, nearly a
foot under, extending to 3 ft across. Subsoil is a formation of Chalk.] DCCh
13 (24) 5.
ANON 1867.02.07: [Accident in the quarries on Portland called 'Straits'. Also
at quarries by the Saw-Mill Tavern.] DCCh 13 (29) 6.
ANON 1867.03.28: [Small landslip between Lyme Regis and Charmouth.] DCCh 13
(36) 7.
ANON 1867.04.11: [Convict crushed to death at West Quarries, Portland by 2 ton
block of stone.] DCCh 13 (38) 4.
ANON 1867.04.25: [Mr. Spicer summoned by Ancient Company of Marblers of Isle of
Purbeck, who were working a quarry at Langton Matravers, for pulling down a
wall fence called Chop Hayes to let quantity of water adjoining into the
quarry.] DCCh 13 (40) 6.
ANON 1867.04.25a: [Description in detail, by Metford W. of meteoric stone nr.
Lytchett Minster in 1789.] [Iron pyrites nodule.] DCCh 13 (40) 13.
ANON 1867.06.27: [Fatal accident at Weycroft quarry at Portland.] DCCh 13
(49) 5.
ANON 1867.07.04: [Dorchester water supply, well, reservoir, pumping etc.]
DCCh 13 (50) 3.
ANON 1867.12.19: [Plans for sinking wells in Devon, Dorset, Hants. and Somerset,
using Norton's Tube Well, taking only a few hours to reach 28 feet.] DCCh and
Som. Gaz. 14 (21) 13.
ANON 1868: [Important discovery of remains of Dimorphodon macronyx in the
Lower Lias of Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire.] Geol. Mag. 5, 536.
ANON 1868.03.05: [Several boats launched again to continue stone works on
Western Cliffs at Lyme Regis.] DCCh 14 (32) 7.
ANON 1868.03.26: [Extensive landslip at Lyme Regis buried a few tons of
limestone excavated by the stone-boat men.] DCCh 14 (35) 6.
ANON 1868.04.30: [23rd April, Burton Bradstock inundated by rush of water from
sea, Bridport Road impassable; Bridport likewise, sea calm. Lyme Regis -
weather calm but sea rises above Cobb 20 - 30 ft waves rolling ashore with
deafening roar. Also at Budleigh.] DCCh 14 (40) 7.
ANON 1868.05.21: [Messrs. Stradling and Wells have had one of Norton's Tube Wells
placed near Bridport railway, now providing copious supply of the liquid
element. Description follows.] DCCh 14 (41) 7.
ANON 1868.08.06: [Dorchester waterworks well is unaffected by drought.] DCCh
15 (2) 3.
ANON 1868.08.13: [Mr. Burt has sunk an artesian well at Swanage 120 ft deep.
Water raised to a reservoir by horse power. Superseded by steam 200 ft. above
sea level.] DCCh 15 (3) 6.
ANON 1868.08.27: [Results of a well survey at Wimborne.] DCCh 15 (5) 6.
ANON 1868.11.03: [Earthquake of 30.10.1868.] Dorset County Express 4.
ANON 1868.11.05: [Swanage as a health resort. Soils, rocks, stone discussed.]
DCCh 15 (15) 4-5. As produced in Medical Times.
ANON 1868.11.05a: [Thurs. Oct. 30th. Earthquake felt in west of England.
Several ladies at Weymouth reported it, also from Wareham, Stinsford.
Vibrations felt, also 'uplifting'.] DCCh 15 (15) 18.
ANON 1869.01.07: [AGM of Dorset County Museum. Col. W. Pinney presd.
Ichthyosaurus from Lyme Regis] DCCh 15 (24) 3.
ANON 1869.03.11: [Court cases mentioning quarries near Charmouth.] DCCh 15
(33) 6.
ANON 1869.03.25: [Discovery of ancient saltpit at Smallmouth nr. Weymouth.
Circular trough 6 - 7 ft diameter of clay. 2 openings lined with Kimmeridge
Clay.] DCCh 15 (35) 2.
ANON 1869.04.01: [Injury to man working at Inmothsay quarry belonging to
Stewart and Co. on Portland.] DCCh 15 (36) 3.
ANON 1869.05.27: [Town council discuss water supply to new school at
Charminster from reservoir. Supply of water from well still abundant. Average
daily consumption was 335,000 gallons.] DCCh 15 (44) 3.
ANON 1869.07.22: [West Lulworth - man hit on head by a large stone which fell
from the cliff. Dangerous condition of pathway running round the cove at the
base of the Chalk ridge.] DCCh 15 (52) 4.
ANON 1869.07.29: [Advert. for house and clayworks for sale. "Yarrells" in
Lytchett Minster. Inexhaustible clays.] DCCh 15 (53) 21.
ANON 1869.08.19: [Portland Stone - sufficient for all the requirements of world
for next 1,500 years. 1 acre a year removed.] DCCh 16 (4) 5.
ANON 1869.08.26: [Advert. for Furzebrook clay. "To be demised or let."] DCCh
16 (5) 17.
ANON 1869.09.23: [Hitcraft quarry in Wide St., Portland (nr. St. George's
Church, Reforne) - cavern found 56 ft below surface, 600 yds long, full of
stalactites 2-3 ft long, cream, amber etc. also "curious petrifications".]
DCCh 16 (9) 3.
ANON 1869.10.21: ['The dragon of Lyme Regis'. British Museum has the fossil
remains of a flying dragon found at Lyme Regis, in the Lias. Pterodactylus
macronyx.] DCCh 16 (13) 9.
ANON 1869.10.21a: [Bridport water report, inc. springs at Litton Cheney.]
DCCh 16 (13) 8.
ANON 1869.11.11: [Poole - spring well at Sterte popular for washing clothes, as
water is so soft. Fears that it would be destroyed by railway.] DCCh 16
(16) 5.
ANON 1869.12.09: [Bridport Board of Health discuss boring for water at Mrs.
Bower's property at Stincombe, also the state of the town's wells.] DCCh 16
(20) 7.
ANON 1871.12.30: The Kimmeridge Shale Bed. [Company being formed to work shale
bed on Col. Mansel's estate, Smedmore House. New process for extracting oil
from shale has been discovered. Quantities of jet have been found in the
quarries, capable of very high polish.] Southern Times (1086) 21 2.
ANON 1872.01.18: [Formation of 'West of England Fire Clay, Bitumen and Chymical
(sic) Company' to develop resources of Purbeck. Details of operations, patents
etc. given.] DCCh 17 (78) 12, 17.
ANON 1872.02.22: [Several landslips caused by heavy rain at Nothe. Very large
one near the drawbridge of the fort.] DCCh 17 (83) 3.
ANON 1872.03.07: [Stone being excavated in field owned by Mr. J. Hussey at
Marnhull for the purpose of lime-burning.] DCCh 17 (85) 5.
ANON 1872.04.18: [Description of clay works at Morden; farm house knocked down
as clay underneath. Earth has slipped near road.] DCCh 17 (91) 5.
ANON 1872.05.02: [Poole - quantity of gigantic bones dredged up by fisherman at
Ower Bay. Either mammoth or mastodon. Similar found a mile away 3 weeks ago by
another fisherman.] DCCh 17 (93) 5.
ANON 1872.05.16: [Well at Milborne reformatory school (1 mile outside M S A)
120 ft deep. New machinery has lessened time for drawing water from 2 hrs. to
15 mins.] DCCh 17 (95) 10.
ANON 1872.07.11: [Explanation of accident at a Wareham claypit by its owner.]
DCCh 17 (103) 13.
ANON 1872.09.05: [Shaft sunk at Payne's copse at Buckland Ripers to 20 ft. Coal
found, thin veins so far. Will have to go to 80 ft to reach good coal. Hampered
by springs of water.] DCCh 17 (111) 4, 11.
ANON 1872.09.18. [Problems with coal mine at Buckland Ripers being constantly
underwater despite pumping. Practical miner from the North being called in.]
DCCh 17 (113) 3.
ANON 1872.10.03: [Iron ore discovered at Abbotsbury. To be processed in S.
Wales, therefore tramway to be built for transporting it.] DCCh 17 (115)
ANON 1872.10.10: [Tramway from Abbotsbury to Upwey.] DCCh 17 (116) 3.
ANON 1872.11.21: [Sherborne Local Board - temperature of the spring at Newell,
water was 51deg, at the barton (the Board's yard) 49deg, down the river 39deg.
Discussion continued about providing a swimming pool.] DCCh 17 (122) 7.
ANON 1873: Note of excursion to Weymouth etc. Proc. Warwicksh. NAFC 1872,
ANON 1876: Carbon from shale. J. Soc. Arts 24 (1227), 678.
ANON 1877.02.23: [Bridport mammoths.] Bridport News.
ANON 1878: [re Earthquakes felt at Bullpits, 7 miles WNW of Shaftesbury on
02.11.1877.] Nature 17 38.
ANON 1878.01.24: Abbotsbury Railway. [Meeting to discuss progress and prospects.]
DCCh 23 (390) 12.
ANON 1882.06.15: [Report of DNH and AFC meeting.] DCCh.
ANON 1884.04.24: Colchester earthquake [reported, 22.04.1884 affecting much of
southern England.] DCCh 10.
ANON 1889.12.02: Scientific aspects of Bournemouth. Research.
ANON 1896: Exhibits in Notes section. PDNH and AFC 16, xxiv-xxv.
ANON 1899: Review of Strahan A 1898: The geology of the Isle of Purbeck and
Weymouth. Geol. Mag. 36, 167-73.
ANON 1899.01.26: [Harbour Commissioners. Meeting with decisions on groynes
etc.] DCCh 77 (4087) 7.
ANON 1899.02.16: [Extraordinary high tides and gales at Bridport (West Bay) and
Charmouth, causing flooding. Waves 30-40 ft high.] DCCh 77 (4090) 6.
ANON 1899.02.16a: [Effects of the gale, shore and road washed away in Swanage.]
DCCh 77 (4090) 12.
ANON 1899.03.09: [Report of Rural District Council. New spring in Maiden Newton
- water supply.] DCCh 77 (4094) 4.
ANON 1899.03.16: [New breakwater at Portland, work progressing well, should be
finished by September.] DCCh 77 (4095) 7.
ANON 1899.04.27: [Conference held on precarious state of Preston beach.] DCCh
77 (4101) 4.
ANON 1899.04.27a: [8 new groynes at Sandbanks to be erected - £1250.] DCCh
77 (4101) 6.
ANON 1899.04.27b: [Encroachment of the sea at Weymouth. Mr. Case suggests due
to breakwater.] DCCh 77 (4101) 8.
ANON 1899.05.04: [State of Weymouth, Preston and Portland beach. Plans to divert
the undercurrent. Mr. Case to build 30 of his patent groynes.] DCCh 77
(4102) 5.
ANON 1899.05.04a: [State of Preston Beach and other coastal changes. Local
resident writes that breakwater was the cause.] DCCh 77 (4102) 11.
ANON 1899.06.29: [Springs at Wareham tapped at 98 ft.] DCCh 77 (4110) 10.
ANON 1899.07.13: [Portland quarry - stone from the Grove for the breakwater.]
DCCh 77 (4112) 5.
ANON 1899.07.13a: [Water supply at Worgret, depth and type of well.] DCCh 77
(4112) 7.
ANON 1899.09.07: Soils of Dorset. [Analysis of soil samples over 5 years.]
DCCh 77 (4121) 8.
ANON 1899.10.12: Serious quarry accident [at Kingbarrow. Rubble fell on man,
not fatal.] DCCh 77 (4127) 6.
ANON 1899.10.19: Maiden Newton water supply [springs at Wynford Eagle.] DCCh
77 (4128) 5.
ANON 1899.11.23: [Groynes at Swanage? Local government enquiry on increasing
encroachment of sea. The late Mr. Case was involved in discussion.] DCCh 77
(4134) 7.
ANON 1899.12.21: [Dorset Field Club. Megalosaurus Bucklandi now in Sherborne
School Museum.] DCCh 77 (4138) 5.