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The majority of abbreviations are in accordance with the List of serial publications held in the library of The Geological Society, London (1978), which is based on BS 4148.

Those not appearing in that publication have been abbreviated by the compilers as follows:

Bournemouth Evening Echo - BEE
Dorchester County Post - Dorch.CP
Dorchester Mail - Dorch.Mail
Dorset County Chronicle - DCCh:
Dorset County Council - DCC
Dorset Evening Echo - DEE
Dorset - the county magazine - Dorset.
Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset - N and Q Som. and Dorset.
Open File Report of the British Geological Survey - OFR
Proceedings of the DorsetNatural History and Archaeological Society - PDNH&AS. (1928 on)
. Previously known as Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club - PDNH&AFC. (Up to 1928).
Proceedings of the Bournemouth Natural Science Society - Proc. Bournemouth Nat. Sci. S oc.
Swanage Times - ST
Western Gazette - WG
Other abbreviations:
# Reference not checked by the compilers. May not be relevant to Dorset.
Pr Thesis in course of preparation.

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