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Contents of volume 37 (1916)
(so the title-page: Sykes
says published July 1917)
Full text of this volume should be available
(Annual Review), v-xlvi
Presidential Address, Nelson M. Richardson, 1-25
"The Man in the Wall" at Wimborne Minster, J. M. J. Fletcher, 26-39
List of Dorset Barrows opened by Mr E. Cunnington or described by him, J. E. Acland, 40-47
On the Stratigraphical Distribution of the Inferior Oolite Vertebrates of the Cotteswold Hills and the Bath-Burton Bradstock District, L. Richardson, 48-55
Sundry Folklore Reminiscences Relating to Man and Beast in Dorset and the Neighbouring Counties, E. A,Rawlence, 56-65
The Silk Industry in Wessex, Henry Symonds, 66-93
The Throwing-mills at Sherborne and their owners, 66-84
Domestic economies in the eighteenth century, 85-93
Australian Trees and Shrubs, Sir Daniel Morris, 94-115
In Memoriam
Henry Colley March, N. M. Richardson, 116-120
William Miles Barnes, N. M. Richardson, 121-123 and frontispiece
Ancient Memorial Brasses of Dorset, W. de C. Prideaux, 124-132
Edge Tools in Early Britain, William Barnes (ed. J. E. Acland), 133-136
Phenological report on first appearances of birds, insects, etc. and first flowering of plants in Dorset during 1915, with other notes on local natural history, W. Parkinson Curtis, 137-193
Notes on some Dorset Land Shells, E. W. Swanton, 194-197
Returns of Rainfall in Dorset 1915, H. H. Tilney Bassett, 198-209
Pre-Saxon Civilisation in Dorset, Ellen E. Woodhouse, 210-227
Old Portland, Herbert Pentin, 228-253
Index, 254-255
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