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Contents of volume 34 (1913)
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(Annual Review), v-lxxxii
Presidential Address, Nelson M. Richardson, lvi-lxxxii
Scando-Gothic Art in Wessex, Henry Colley March, 1-16
Dorset Assizes in the Seventeenth Century, F. J. Pope, 17-30
The Ancient Earthworks of Cranborne Chase, Heywood Sumner, 31-41
Reminiscence of the late Rev. C. W. H. Dicker, R. D., and some Observations on Bloxworth Church, O. Pickard-Cambridge, 42-45
Second Supplement to the Lepidoptera of the Isle of Purbeck, compiled from the notes of Eustace R. Bankes, N. M. Richardson, 46-80
Lepidoptera, reports, 1891-94, 34 to 106
Interim Report on the Excavations at Maumbury Rings, Dorchester, 1912, H. St.George Gray, 81-106
On New and Rare British Arachnids, O. Pickard-Cambridge, 107-136
Dorset Weather Lore, J. S. Udal, 137-150
Sherborne Brewers in 1383 (6 Richard II), E. A. Fry, 151-157
The Ancient Memorial Brasses of Dorset, W. de C. Prideaux, 158-166
The Marriage of St.Cuthburga, who was afterwards Foundress of the Monastery at Wimborne, J. M. J. Fletcher, 167-185
Returns of Rainfall in Dorset 1912, R. Stevenson Henshaw, 186-199
Phenological report on first appearances of birds, insects, etc. and first flowering of plants in Dorset during 1912, N. M. Richardson, 200-215
Roman Villas discovered in Dorset, their sites and the relics found therein which throw light on the civil life of their occupants, T. E. Usherwood, 216-236
Index, 237-239
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